Anyone notice on the dashboard the new Halo Legends. The trailer looked kinda stupid but the Majors Minute version looked pretty sweet. I not sure...
New pics of mythic map in my signature
Patriots do suck Ill save your time by saying my team has won 6 (should have 7) Superbowls and has just about the best defence. Any way The...
The idea is original, or at least ive never seen anything like it. the grass looks cool. you should included team base games like flag an assault...
The map idea was good but you should see forging 101 to learn how to interlock and Geomerge. I like the front door. What gametype is it for? It...
I relize that. Thats why I put the * Both come in pares. Both have guns that take forever to fire. The concepts are different but ever...
Anyone notice that Gears of War 2 has a bit of big similarities to Halo? Here are some similarities: Hunters - Boomers Flood - Lambent Types of...
I like the new ways up to the bridge. That should make better gameplay. The map is great. I wish you would a pick of what you ment when you said...
Great map. It seems to be for squads. I like what you did with the tin cup tower things, very original. You should add more weapons but not as...
The map is pretty good. For a first time post this is probally the best Ive seem. + you know how forge. The one thing is that you need a few more pics
Ever since I got a Mac has been messed up. Now though I cant get on period. Has anyone else had the problem or is it just me? Heres my...
Dang. Bungie should have made the original sandbox like this. The only thing I have a concern about is the only way to get a warthog or chopper to...
It seems you dont know how to geomerge. You should checkout forging 101. No so origanal Idea but the design and how you did it is great. Cons for that
The first map looked awfully crazy. But I suppose its FFA and that good for it. Map 2 seems kinda strange in a good way but need more pics for...
At first it looked great. Then it looked like you put in some useless interlocking. I would like to see how gameplay is. I'll DL and maybe Reply
Extremly well made. But it seems like their are to many power weapons and teleporters. Also the ground vehicles don't have a very good path to get...
Cool Idea but I dont see any geomerging or interlocking. And it seems a bit open. If you dont know how to geomerge or interlock visit forging 101....
I have a pyramid structure should I post it has a template
I have the maps. Already got a map done =)
This map looks great but is easily breakable. All you have to do is stand on a fusion coil beat it down and jump. Other than that 4/5. If you just...