Map Style: Symetrical, Complex, BTB Map Name Preferences: Something complex and/or large Map Quality Named After: Map Name Meaning: Map...
That's exactly what I used. Tell me, do you like it?
I've made it to puzzle 3 and now I'm completely lost, I have no idea on what I could be doing right now. Buddha, I need YOU (to help me or give me...
Wow, I can't wait for this map to be out to the public. I'm dying to try this map out! Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see the rest of...
Wow, I feel really sorry for her, truly, truly sorry...... :cry: Wait... Oh sh**, I just got my flu shot 4 days ago!
Yea! I loved whatsintheseven so this is really promising to me! Looks great, DL from me! I'll make a review once I've tested it out! BTW: I...
Jump, SMACK! That was funny! I had to watch that about five times!
[IMG] That was clever :)
That is a very good idea, I will make a picture trying to show that later
This picture was taken on 07/17/09 after I got Recon armor from bungie day. This picture was taken inside of the screenshot room on Orbital. So...
Yea, what he said, I would have MAYBE enjoyed it, except for the (stupid) fact that I can't ghost jump.. :( This doesn't mean that you should take...
This is my first screenshot that I took after I got Recon armor from Bungie Day (07/07/09) about four months ago. This picture was taken in the...
All I can say is "WOW", this map looks amazing! I won't rate yet until I've tried it, but it's a definate download for me! Great job! P.S. If I...
I am so trying this out. I beat it on forge! (With the grav modifiers.) When I beat it I will pm you, okay? Good Maps!
I don't think I have ever been more frustrated in my life, good job! I finally completed everyone (even D.N.A.!). Those were some of the best jump...
Sorry, I will add some more details in that post. I was in a hurry, my bad! I'll also add some tips, too.
Treetop Wars Created by Pyremius Supported Gametypes: Treetop Wars Map Description Treetop Wars is a map in which you and your friends spawn...
I have a map that, out of my maps probably plays the best... The only problem, however, is that it has nearly no forging in it. Would that be...
Lol, that never gets old... "What should we say now?" "Come out b****."
You did? Aww man! I will try to fix that and then edit my post...