Mine - 1. Guardian 2. Narrows 3. Blackout 4. The Pit 5. Valhalla 6. Sandtrap 7. Avalanche 8. Construct 9. Cold Storage 10. Last Resort 11. Rat's...
I remember reading about this, quite sad really. All he had to do was go back to his house.
Name: Proximity Mine Description: Same effects as a Plasma Grenade except you can stick it to Roofs, Walls and Floors. Effect: Blows up upon...
Spawn trapping on Zombies on Ice? That's how most people got their Ranked multi kills Killtac and up. Mine has to be my Invincible, then my...
1 other play looks like me :( My emblem is unique however :D http://halocharts.com/index.php?player=x3volutionz
Probably to comemerate the first ever DEXP weekend, which was Ranked Living Dead. Got my Steppin' Razor ach there ^_^ And so you can get...
Personally, I think they're broken. I have a film on my File Share where a guy will spawn literally in front/behind me. Wouldn't be the first time.
Yeah, I don't like the whole free roam thing, you get ambushed a lot and its a real big map. Might sell it to my friend who wants it badly and get...
Woo, I just scraped the top 25 ^^ The person above me has 25 more gs xD
Updating my GT so I can add 1440 GS :p I need to grab some achs of FarCry.
I found it to be a very good demo, however knowing where to go can get confusing at times, as can running away from guards.
I've used Evolution on another forum for 2 years because it sounds cool :P I liked inverting the E so it looks like a 3. You can't start an xbl...
Ah, that makes a lot of sense.
Did you go in with your Gold and silver? Or just the silver.
It's really that bad? I don't see how it can go from one of the best MLG maps to the worst?
The main thing is: Communication, 90% of the games where my team does call outs we win, by a large margin aswell. Something as simple as saying...
Onslaught was awesome. Amplified has broken spawns, seriously i've been under the base with no shields and people have spawned in front of me....
Here's some screenshots that I made on Blackout, i'm not the greatest but here's the ones I made :P [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
One of my best friends over live is only 12 and tbh he's more mature than most 18 year olds on Xbl.
It came up and I thought "Finally, a map that won't suck" it got vetoed :(