dude this map whas really fun to test with you and I'm happy that everyone love's it...but joey you can play more then 4 peeps on this map....butt...
I done under stand this map. You need to lern how to poste
Dude this is a bad ass map. I can see you warkd hard on it... But the merjing cude get better. So I giv 4.5 of 5.0
No i did not steal the ideal I ask the guy that mad the first one if I can remake it.
This is a fun and high action map that will give you goosebumps when you see and hear the spikes coming towards you. You will enjoy playing map...
Hay dude if you want a skate park as good as I make them [ that's my skate park in the pic ] I can help you lern how to merge and jeyo-merge like...
Hahaha thats sick and funny its rilly old but still rilly funny oh and ramdim. So I giv 5/5 *****
Dude this is a sick ass map I think i've seen it before but if it is the map I played thin this map plays asoms. I giv 5/5
Wow I agree, This is the best race map I've seen yet this is just amazeing. You have alot of skill in makeing race tracks. I hope we see more...
Hay every one this guy stole this map. I now the eariganel maker of the map. Like I was there when he made the first part the hart. So if you...
Hay dude take a chill pill & lern how to you's • its not that hard dude Butt I think this is a sick ass track it looks like a hot weel...
I agree with this guy. This is a rilly grate meating map. I giv 5/5 *****
Dude this looks sick but scetchy I'll download It to see if it is scetchy. O.K. I just plade it and it was fun a littel scetchy but pritty smooth....
Wow dude that looks just like the real thing...thats some narly detale...I got to give some props for this dude. Oh and if you cud can you make a...
Why is this map Featrerd "It blows" Theres barly iny mergeing and the game play not eaven good.I think he just got on because he's a high rank.
finealy a good slayer map that hase good mergeing and good jeyo mergeing. I've been wateing for a map like this and you did it good job man. I giv...
This is pritty cool map. It looks good and it looks like it hase good gameplay. And I'm rilly picky on my maps so good job man. I'll download it...
What the #$&@ ever hapend to good slayer maps ware everything is merged and jeyo merged. And there's a storey about the map to. And hay I'm not...
Hay you guys shut up about the pictrer thing I think he see's that he #$&@ up on the pics. And stop yousing this kind of thing to post on so you...
Wow this dosent look that good but thin I downloaded it and it plays like a champ. I hase a lot of fun on it. So I give 5/5 *****