Alright thanks, hope to see you tomorrow.
Hey Insane, I wanted to play in your party this weekend for TGIF but seeing as I wont be able to get onto xbox live until about 5:30 on Friday I...
I've had many gamertags throughout the past. I've setled on LoS. No not because it's spanish, I always liked it because back in the good old days...
Yea, I'm there for about a month to a month and a half then our breaks are about a week long. Yea I live about 7 hours away from the school....
Maybe when he sat down he really had to go to the bathroom. So he just finished up because he couldn't hold it in any longer and then he just...
Yes, that's right I finally got an xbox 360. Unfortunatly because I go to a bording school I can't play xbox live very often. But when I come back...
I wouldn't say that it was compleatly either the fathers or the instructors fault. It was a little of everyones. They should have been watching...
Hey, just wondering if anyone here has a favorite book. And yes you can use the halo books as your favorite ;D Anyways mine is The Hero of...
McLarren F1, it's soo nice.
Sorry I fail to see the irony.
Then it's a good thing I live in Canada. I hate to generalize it's just that I can't stand their high pitched voices on the mic. It's unbearable....
I know what you mean though. Everyone is just saying mute them but during the game it's still annoying. And for people who don't like to leave...
The reason why most people who are level 50 I think is just simply because they play alot. Not because they are that good. My friend and I met two...
Thanks for the help, I'm assuming that putting things on an angle works the same way on foundry as it does in Avalanche right with the supports to...
Wow thanks I just joined up and I can't wait to try this with my friend.