that's a big reward... I've never been a fan of jumping.. but I might just DL it for the prize...
i like the brokoli sketchup... is it going to be like 3 boxes high in the skybub?
it would look really nice, and improve gameplay if the walls around the field were all merged flush with the ground, as if they were covered in...
yeah, it's disappointing when you see a dialogue bubble and can't read it
Can You add my Wifi Code to the Group homepage? 0087 9581 1733 Thanks :)
yeah, just have it so when you block the node, you can just go thru the tele wall without death..
Oprah died today.
my only concern is that banshee may be too overpowered.. instead of a sword you should put a no-clip rocket launcher, to go at the banshee, even...
i hope you made the spawns VERY good, or else the enemy team could easily start to spawn camp and ruin it for the other team..
the walls are extremely messy, but the floor looks pretty good.. This has been done many times, and many times better. try a different type of...
the only thing that i hate about killballs is that they are very noisy. It is an extermely annoying sound.. if you could do anything to make the...
steal much?
Spam much? For the map, even though it doesn't have much cover (which can be good in your case) you could add like, a second level or something...
ah, Ok
I just joined because of the update (kudos to transactionzero) and thought.. We need a Tag for all of our members! Ill make one, called "FH...
looks awesome. the aesthetics are amazing. Especially inside the blue circle thingy. what is that? (3rd pic from bottom) I'm sorry I won't...
the only thing wrong I see is that the bridged and such are just laid atop the boxes and such, which makes a bumpy ride. Also, you could re set...
There have been any junkyard maps, and this is not one of the best. if you want to see a magnificent one, look at Debo37's Map, Nooks & Crannies 2...
looks pretty good. my only suggestion is for you to first, not take your pictures in forge, and second, make an overhead shot from a high point of...
that's 5