Ive shown this to a few of my friends and they liked it so I figured I would stick my head into the ForgeHub forums and bless the community my Big...
so mongeese>ghost? reoccurring posts agree, very easy option to change. suggestions like this are good.
That's too many power weapons for my taste, but I like the asymmetry. Nice creativity with the objects.
its 20 second respawns, theres only 4
Grunty Thirst Thousands of grunts died from thirst building what was once a religious colony for the Prophets. These structures are now the home...
Theres a good amount of ledges and spots on Epitaph. I found a good place to hide on orbital. that has fooled just about everybody so far. In...
Ranked 81 Social 194 Total 275 plus beta steaks
not bad nothing new, I like the sniper fire one
wouldn't look bad in a sig, bravo.
I distinctly remembering abusing the sudden death on 1 bomb in halo 2 before they removed it in a later update. Hiding in palm trees on zanzibar...
i would if i had time... full time student part time job. best i can do srry, it is what it is.
Download WindChill V5 [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] copy from bungie post: This map is version 5...
the covt tower always got abused if you played zombies on it. So good job i guess. haha
EDIT: Added New Pictures ill work on the pictures this weekend. thanks for the comments and for the thumbs up so far. i just made the map last...
Guy with full camo gets rocked. Watch. Youtube video uploaded over eathalo.
Snoway v2.1 This is the second version of my shorter symetrical avalanche ctf/ ts varient. This map is tested to play great for 4v4+ team games....