I did use the budget glitch, but it is temperamental and needs to be fixed sometimes. So it is possible and I will make more adjustments. I do...
Cold Gulch 4..... Umm, maybe but definitely later. I just got off of a long binge of editing on this map. The difficult thing to do is to go back...
I really like the idea of betrayal points. It adds pizzazz and makes the game more exciting. Don't take it out, or at least make a version with it...
Blood Gulch: Cold Gulch 3 Created by Sarge Explosion Supported Gametypes: CTF, KotH, Assault, Infection, Territories Map Description This is...
Blood Gulch Remake V2 the map is Cold Gulch 2 it's a revised version of v1 but with some noticeable structural additions and improvements and...
in response to constructive criticism Thank you all for the positive feedback. I revamped this map after looking at comments on the original...
Cold Gulch ~ From Halo: Combat Evolved Created by Sarge Explosion Supported Gametypes: CTF, King of the Hill, Territories, Assault Map...
About reworking Ok, this is what I was looking for. Feedback and suggestions! Thank you for checking it out. I do like your idea of blocking off...
Cold Gulch: Its Blood Gulch, just colder! Here is the official thread for my Blood Gulch remake I call it Cold Gulch. Cold Gulch:...
Thanks! I would like to get the messed up thread fixed asap, how do I contact a mod? also i forgot to mention that you start out with an assault...
oops. Sorry for the double post!
Cold Gulch Created by Sarge Explosion Supported Gametypes: CTF, Assault, King of the Hill, and Territories Map Description This map was created...
So like make my own thread? k ill get right on it. * What section do you think I should put the thread under?
(Its a quote because I posted this on another remake thread) I'll get some pictures up as soon as possible if you want. =D
your game and map links are the same! fix it so ppl can get at both easier =)
Cold Gulch - A snowy remake of Blood Gulch! This is my first Forge Hub map post and I have used the forge101 guide to make my favorite Halo map....