I have made an infection map in which the zombies come from the water because i have put a grid down that is low enough that they are completely...
I would like the forgeworld to be the same just with more objects and special effects. I wish under the fx category there would be things to make...
is it possible to make it so humans can not go somewhere on the map with the use of kill barriers but not to the zombies?
INCOGNATION By: Reidypeedy Description: A Small free for all map supporting most free for all gametypes up to 8 player. With a...
When i saw the name i thought it was going to be a horrible map like a throw together in 5 mins - No offense. But this map is really well forged....
The pictures are really small in size but helms deep idea is awesome. you defenently not the first person to thing of the idea, but this looks...
Looks pretty fun, not to original but looks fun. I say you should make it in some way that the Flame Lord cant jump down in the pit, or...
very nice.. the layout looks very nice and the anesthetics tie in very well. i like the over walk on the wall, thats very nice. seems pretty good,...
I see why u called it frustration. haha this map looks really good. looks very hard but its still forged really well with some great ansthetics...
hey just a quick tip make the zombie count for your gametypw 75%.. the reason being if the oartys full u have 4 humans.. if its not the human...
I thingk the human base could be designed better, but the covonet is good, and there needs to be something inbetween the bases its boring there.....
First off. Welcom to forge hub!!!! and second, it looks like some took a crap on u whil eu were forging.. sorry to be mean. but it looks like u...
ok good same.. ill ussually get on at like 6 eastern time
nevermind i got it.. anytime next week.. so i say we do it at night or else i wont beable to do it.. so night
where do i check for all the information.. like the times cuz i dont no when anything is
hey not bad could use some work but it seems like u just built random structures to fill out the spaces(the crossing objects that make an x).....
I really like how u dont see the crypt floor.. it makes it feel good or whatever idk.. but the structures are built good and the design of each...
OMG!!! u dont understand how badly i want to hurt u!!.. god u stole my idea im in the middle of making a map just like this!!! godd!! what the...
i havent read the book but from what i can tell it seems that u did a great representation.. this is a great map and desigened well but is a lil...
this is a very simple looking map and looks really really boring.. nothing interesting to the map that much but the gametype must hype it up and...