Overlord by Nosirrom Mij
Here's a short trailer for Overlord. Be sure to watch in HD, enjoy! YouTube - Nosirrom Mij's Overlord
Whilst it's obviously not symmetrical in terms of the bases, you can definitely tell that if you were to split it down the middle 'long-ways' it's...
This Map is amazing. I originally saw it when you had finished the Sewers and parts of the top area, and all of a sudden you finish and release it...
[IMG] I appreciate all comments, positive, negative or a mix of the two, thanks!
The High Contrast mix of the track is great, but I felt the original worked a lot better for the feel of Reach itself. Thanks for the comments...
Yep, a jailbreak is available for OS4, but not iPhone 4 :/ I can't live without my free apps!
It's nothing to do with what Firmware you installed, it's about which generation of iPod Touch you have. Yours must be either the original iTouch...
Yeah, I held up my old 3G next to the iPhone 4 and the text is so much sharper, the old screen just looks like complete and utter **** in comparison.
I'm on my iPhone 4 right now, and there are no yellow blotches like many seem to have. However, the 'holding in the left hand' thing does affect...
I mean the part that shows Reach from the original announcement Trailer. I submitted to Bungie this morning, if it's going to be posted, I'm sure...
The end always gives me chills. YouTube- Halo: Reach Trailer
In my opinion gauging sounds stupid, but to each their own, eh? I wouldn't recommend going past 0ga to be honest, your ear won't go down in size...
Yessir, I used to use it and thought it would work nicely with the Glasklart Theme. ---- Since I've been jailbroken since day one, I've not...
Thanks, managed to find the .zip of it online and will just take the battery out myself and throw it into my Themes folder.
The battery is pretty nice, got a link?
Yeah, as said above you can download a huge number of Icons for the Theme, which is what I did. With newer Apps, there aren't icons for them and...
I've been jailbroken since day one with my iPhone 2G, am now with my 3G and probably will with my iPhone 4 if it brings some great features to it...
Don't normally let clutter build up like this but I've needed quick access to important files for the past week or so. I hate it, but there's not...