I love the Game of The Year Edition. I think it has a way better storyline than Oblivion, but it's graphics obviously lack. But if I were you, I...
I thought it was pretty good. It lived up to my expectiations. I think the whole concept of it was very creative. Even though it looks childish it...
I think Grunts in Legendary with Catch Skull and Cowbell Skull suck the worst 'cuz they always throw nades and the nades go boom bigger with...
Wow, if your that desperate for LIVE, then why don't you get into the car, go to the Wal-Mart and buy the stupid membership card?
This has got to be one of the oldest glitches in the game. I mean seriously man, fix your grammar and then go and do research to see if this is...
Well as visible from the trailer, it looks like you can actually edit terrain, which would and will totally pwn forge (srry but truth hurts), but...
Very original I think. Very fun mini-game variant. Exciting to play, but I wish that there was a better scoring system, but thats okay, yours...
Not much I can add but, Great Map/Idea. Very nice idea for Ghost Town. Very original. I would never have been able to think of a map to create on...
Thanks everyone. I feel like this is gonna be a good time. Feel free to PM anyone. Especially the newer people also. Thanks !
I will agree that it is good in moderation, but you need to spend alot of time to be good. Casual play really isn't too much of an option if you...
I don't really see a way to be best at it but that's ok. You right on my opinions being a little out of date but the game hasn't changed to much....
I have the same issue, but I'm am settled that as far as Slayer and FFA play goes, Halo takes the cake for sure. But in CTF or Team Games, it...
Wow...that is just sad. *no pun intended* If I had that much money spent on Halo I would probably shoot myself. Ugh that is just ridiculous...
Ok, here it is, is WoW good or bad. I am of the opinion that it is bad because it is a waste of time in the end. No matter what you do, you...
Valikus is a name that has been tagged to my gaming history for a while now. I think I created it when I was playing Diablo II:LOD *woot* and I...
This is me. Valikus. The one, and hopefully the only. Feel free to PM me or w/e to help me get used to posting and what not. I'm hoping to stay...
Totally sick. The merges and interlocks look beautiful. Even though I'm not big on racing maps, this one actually got me thinking about trying...
USA is way cool. I love the special effects. The coloring is amazazing!
I think I like the third one best but the second looks pretty chill also. Nice pics though. [IMG]
Definitely is cheating. I agree, they aren't even playing the game, they are just using their team to get them, the cheater, experience.