awesome map jacob. I especially love the lights at the fronts of the scarabs to act as the beam the scarab shoots. I say 4 stars....out of 3
Im glad this map finally got featured. Good Job Creeping.
k srry jacob and silence i wont do it any more
oh well can ui post one plz
hey there it is in the little corner of the last pic
Hey hey hey wats happening
Hey Jacob where's there a pic of me owning u on that map?
duZ it lag
Hey Bl00D F1r3, I was just wondering if you could make me a base w/ gametype please Ive seen all forging schools but I cant get some of the stuff...
I don't have 3D Max on my computer so I can't make a cool sig. So, can someone who does make me a sig with my halo armor(forgehub avatar) colors...
om nom nom nom
remove santa hats plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I've asked around and, 7 out of 10 people I have asked said Bungie is making a new armor called Gemini(I think for elites). It's hard who tyo...
mine says none have my armor as well
great map dude ill definitely check it out
hey, do u think u can make my clan a ghost town, blackout, or avalanche base
I am looking fo an expert forger to make me a Clan Base[including glitches such as clipping,objects half in the floor, etc plz msg me 4 more info