does anyone have the map and gametype that i can downloa
same does any1 have it cuz i really want it nd i went to ur fileshare and i only saw v 3
I really dont get how there are power weapons... a shotgun with only 6t shots and a 2 30 respawn along with an 8 shot sniper with 2 30 respawn and...
I spent a lot of time on this map but i ended up messing everything up and trying to reposition it perfectly. I have interlocked quite a bit on...
Ok i admit it is not 100% not escapable but honsetly..\. if you do get out of the map how the hell is that gonna do anything for you....ur stuck...
Most weapons have almost no ammo in it and respawn at a very high time. Also its not really croocked a lot of bent walls are put like that for a...
Actualy I have much better constructed maps but i didnt think i really needed to interlock a lot of stuff considering I shouldn't interlock...
size=3]Top of the Base![/size] Created by PshycoChocolate Supported Gametypes: Close the Node (Assault) Map Description Recommended 8-16...
I follow the steps exactly as you do but when i click the button to upload it it always says upload failed? EDIT: I solved the problem i just...