I loved this map back in Goldeneye, back in the day. Im looking foreward to downloading it. Queue'd now.
I downloaded this map. I must say I am very impressed. Its a good, close combat map; even with the smallest or largest of parties. ;D
i think stand off looks good as well, i cant say im too fond of rat's nest though :-\
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? Yea, foundry looks amazing the possibilites will be endless. ;D
Yes, foundry looks rather amazing. i am curious to see the variation in this particular map, it will have amazing potential.
Re: Shrine *With Video & Screenshots* I had an idea like this as well, looks rater fun i'll have to try it.
Re: Class 6 (Think: SOCOM / Team Fortress / Counterstrike) Interesting. some thing i would like to try. but i have a question, what are the...