Holy shnikeys Insane! I <3 u :D But back onto subject -- I have to say, that the map seems to be better than v1 (or v2). I know it might be...
A sweet fine-tuned Lamborghini Embolado baby! Gots itself a 534 v8, 12-Cylinder, and two full tanks of Nitrous Oxide to add to the mix. Why? What...
This actually looks really good! Imma download it and see how good it plays now...
This map overall looks great! But unfortunately, the link doesn't seem to work for me. If it's just me, then nevermind this. But if you could,...
Well, I really loved Hang 'Em High from Halo: CE; favorite multiplayer map from the first one. The map looks decent enough to be played on, but...
Ahhh Titmar, you never seek to impress us! This map looks awesome! From what the screenshots look like, the map looks outstanding! But I don't...
Well I can tell the "asymmetric" part of it, lol. The map looks okay I guess, a lot of random looking objects I see their. But that I must assume...
Oh, didn't know it was supposed to... My bad man :( I'll be sure to change that later today :)
Lulz, I know! That's so weird!
I r doing magnificent! How bout you?
O hai thar!!!
Happyface! Ohai thar!
Inorite? Lawl lawl lawl Update -- Added in the Rocket Race MM hopper into the Double Exp.
Insane, you pee color... :D Loolololllololololooolololololl
Helpful? Are... are you kidding me? Hahaha, wow...
What the ****? Are you shitting me? I got an infraction for posting about how I've been looking for this certain map for awhile... and it was...
Update -- Added the Team Mythic playlist. And made the caution sign more fancy.
HaHAH! Found the map, been looking for this map FOREVER...
Ah, finally a good Sandbox map! I've been looking for a good one for awhile. Mini, you never seek to disappoint... Maybe you should recreate all...
Update -- Ugh, okay. Deleted all of the links, added Team Flag, made it easier to read Gametypes/Maps. I'm sure you can notice the rest (not...