see that you wanted the spread the wealth of the templest contest taht ends tomorrow by submitting you map here on forgehub but they could also...
this map is being made for like a month i also am the one who created the hub room you see with the flag and the stone platform and orange bars...
this map is stolen some one should be banned this maps not finished yet is wow
who are you and where did you get this map
thanks you for the criticicm
puzzle ideas came from me and deathstalker
Puzzle map Dead Body on The Floor Map Forged by GAME SMOKER 89(Dontknowme42) And xDeaTHxsT4LkeRx(Dude###) Puzzle map mostly forged by me GAME...
you get grav lift and get ghost up on ledge and get out of ghost to clip between walls
broke it first minute i played it :P all you have to do is ghost clip throught the pallet grav lift spot and theres a giant hole and runs and gets...
i beat it woot crypt part took me the longest thought all the other parts were easy good job again mr you
Yup thats coming prolly in less than a month and i cant wait... ... damn sentinal beam room
Ill release a tutorial once someone solves it
PUZZLE on My Birthday This map probably took me two days to make and 3 days to edit but i really love this map so dont flame it i really had fun...
when you upload a photo to photobucket and link it to a site you must keep the picture in the photobucket account or pics will go bye bye as soon...
Mod should move this thread to either race maps or minigame maps probably minigame maps since its a challenge map though
agreed with previous post and the items floaating in air would cause camping and no one wants that but keep forging
yay another tac jumps map hey chubs your forging is imporing each one of these i see thankx for the time yo;u spent making this P:
Good Job Paradox Forgers for the feature Puzzles need loves too...
broke this map really fast got ball also you can grenade jump off crate and the get on top of the red doorway and walk out of map and the jujmp...
sarge has something simial but the other end of the turret for his teh jumping mapzorz but maybe make it more concedalled