it has been said that our minds contain all the knowledge in the universe butit hasn't been unlocked maybe dreams are momentary access that we...
what your asking is to prove the theory of god but it is still only a theory when there is proof it will be law befor scientists saw the...
the ansewr is no because it is dependent on perseption god could recreate the world where a circle is calle a square or vice versa god= someone...
From an ethical stand point by giving the man the death penalty you are taking his life and that is murder. God forbid it be the wrong guy five...
Sorry to both sides for putting in my 2 cents but, why can't both sides be correct ? I am a christian and I beleive in a divinely guided...
looks like a good start but maybe try upstairs where there is more room the lasers can be blocked but the surface isn't flat. Get a link i'll...
the first thing i did after getting halo wars was come here cause i figured that some one beat me to it and you did but it looks great. but when i...
iM WORKING ON A 4TH VERSION THAT WILL BE RELEASE SOON I also have boarding action almost done
I still hate Epitaph, but for what it's worth If I was playing on your version I wouldn't complain as much. The map has good flow and no bottle...
good quote
I think by limting it just to foundry is silly you can't properly make a remake of a big map, anway here is an updated version of Relic with flat...
the link to download Ambrosia v1.1 is down pm me when it's back up
If in the future you wish to build outside of any map Viper Own5 file share has every map out there is set up like a cnvis with a couple of...
Like in the original Relic the size has a huge impact on the game play. I stated in the post that you should play with 8 to 16. You would have to...
Finding enough people to play is usually a problem with big team maps but I really enjoy big team so those tend to be the maps I make or remake...
In truth the mongoose on the other side was teaser for my map breaker that I never took out. If you wanted to you coul easily delete it and add a...
Thanks for the comments, I really did try to use every ones comments from the last version. The map isn't an exact replica because of space issues...
are you billy?
For geomerging I have been using mostly Ramps cause the containers from time to time tend to interlock and the bridges just didn't seem to hold...
I have come to the point where i can only make small modifcations ie.. move this here move that there. so I will keep working on it trying to make...