"I F*ck the cobwebs in the hall..." -Boing-
pure excellence
It's A serious problem People! http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZOkF0McZKIw
oh my god that was great
Grrr govies FTL there is no laser therefore fails with a massiveness <-Laser ***** :squirrel_evil:
Wow. i was thinking about doing something like this a few days ago but now i see its been done. and what do you speak of i loved that mix
wow man, great find thanks Will look into this
Great man Me and the girlfriend thinks its great
Re: Google Sketchup i have the pro version i will try but no promises
I have a theory its a foundry like sandbox map thats m 2 1/2 cents
I get whichever I can get my hands on I'm badass sniper either way so the wepon makes no difference though i know a few people who would school me.
Re: GeeVee.com wow appreciate this man used your name a refer
when the heck did this happen 0.o? hmm I shall try it out tomm. but hopefully it doesn;t suck to badly cause BTB was all i played
I remeber this I never really paid all that much attention to it though
dude i feel so low I'ma Lt. grade 2 lol i barely play online Customs FTW
I've been a fan of DMC forever lol, I can't wait for this one
I use it a bit, but i'm still taking courses for it not that good with it
wow creepy flashy lights. Interesting 0.o I think i'll mess around with this
hmm interesting idea with the turrets I'll have to see what i can come up with
yea its losing intrest for me to though i still very much enjoy big team