Oh ****, happy birthday too then :) You coming online? Now getting XBL gold for it
Saw this on the halo subreddit, came here on a whim to see if any of the older members (and newer guys too) were looking to play together. I'll be...
Hey guys, long time no speak. Listen, I typed "halo" into my browser looking for the Halo subreddit looking for info on the Halo 3 session going...
Although I was a regular member here, I never posted anything of worth. I never made any decent maps (or really tried to, at all), and ended up...
Cameo appearance
Are we there yet??
[IMG] I'm so pro at Firefox. And MS Paint :)
So THIS is where all the oldies are hiding! On your page!
Lol haven't heard that in a while
Wow, that's weird, and also the fastest I've ever seen anything travel across Forge World
Grif may have bitten off more than he can chew right here Anyway, now going to bed, so... reserved for whatever I dream about next :)
GG, you made conquest what it is today, among many other things! You will be missed Also, you're a mormon? How sick are you of being asked how...
Why is your avatar an MS paint version of the avatar of the guy above you?
I looked, and posted, as instructed How close were we last time? By my prediction, I said we'd get to the goal in 7 years' time... That was in...
Just like you...
Could be worse. I just kinda re-arranged an equation for half an hour, and got x = √-2 Then I backtracked and re-arranged it slightly differently,...
Hey, since when have you been a Guardian?
Justin Bieber looks a bit like me. :(
I'm glad to see this on Forgehub so I can review it. I've played it a few times now. First off, well done. I'm in the process of making a...