ZOMG you totally stole the name of my map
Its very small, im sure this only took you like 10 minutes You should have used boxes and crap I guess you did good with the interlocking 1.5/5
It looks good but its like every other racetrack on foundry, they are starting to be boring Try to make something cool and original
This map made me Jizz and crap at the same time, its f'n awesome I want to make love to it
Why did you take the pics with a camera? you could just take screenshots in the game and then get them off bungie.net
Wow, this is awesome, i never thought of doing an MLG map on avalanche, the Forging is really clean It looks kinda small though, i'll DL it and see
This look extremely small, you should have use boxes/walls and all the other crap, would have made it better IMO
Not bad, look kinda empty in the middle though
lol, who did you get to mod the film? The map looks pretty good, looks like an MLG type map Good interlocking :)
The map doesnt look bad, it just doesnt look like a MLG map Also theres no Mancannons in MLG, you might want to take those out.
All these maps are pretty much the same, it would be cool if you came up with something original 3/5 on the map
It look very small and rather empty, just a couple barriers, like others have said, Normal paintball maps have alot of cover. It doesnt look like...
Looks pretty good, the arch is cool, i'll DL and test it out
From the pics you have provided it looks like a big wall. Its not really an MLG map also No turrents in MLG
actually it only took me about 2 hours, the map im working on now has taken more then 4 and its barely done
Yes i do love penises, you should to, they are the reason you are alive Now did you seriously need to leave me that comment, oh wow you called...
Ok, i'll take out the shotgun, i dont really play MLG that much so i didnt know
Thanks, that what i made it for, the decrption is "for t3h lulz"
Is that supposed to be an insult? If it is you need to take a better look at your maps, they arnt very good
Your soo sexy, you have no idea what i want to do with your body I'll rock your world