Hey, some Star Wars books take place in present time and even 80 years in the future in a galaxy far far away (my math teacher tells me)
Thought id add some forgers to our ranks. My group creates new, fresh custom games for our customs night we hold every last saturday of the...
How about Ununoctium? its the unknown synthetic on the table of elements.
I love your gametype but i need something for the "less compliant" human. (IE forces team change)
accidental double post
I started a thread thinking i could make the round score 1 incineration, but sadly you can only do that in slayer. How could i make the round end...
I'm saying making Infection have a goal that encourages teamwork rather than getting the most kills. In this scenario, the humans have to make...
First Map Map Style: Infection Map Name Preferences: Sounds like Tarintino film(IE Planet Horror or Death Proof) Map Quality Named After: Terror...
Well, I think this would be a great Infection variant!
Exactly, 1 clip at each checkpoint
Putting the ammo in checkpoints along the way would work.
Zombie Objective I wish you could place destinations to forge, but you can't. Unfortunately, you can't specify the kills by medals in Infection,...
Anyone can do this, but you would have to get your hands on some schematics for the object your hoping to mod. A little trimming and rewiring,...
Longshore sounds similar to Relic (one side all ocean, other side massive buildings)
How did you get that pic??!! i removed parts of the URL and its says "this area is restricted"
Ill give him $80 for one.
whats up, ill be back on XBL on the 3rd
My thread ob B.net Imageshck doesnt work so heres my map on b.net Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Nice Mini- game