great post Well this sure goes into a whole lot more detail than my post does, but then i had just discovered it and wanted to get it posted as...
I don't mean to rant here but it seems as though you guys are yelling at me for telling the truth, I could have just lied and said that I was the...
Frogger Hill! Created by: BassRocker Supported Gametypes: Custom KOTH variant Map Description An EXTREME version of the classic arcade game...
I have added a video link at the bottom of my original post. I hope it helps.
O.K. I have some things I want to say. First of all it has been said that I am not the one who discovered this... When I discovered this I showed...
Geomerging without doors. discovered by me. This will allow you to merge a wall, box, or any immovable object into the map geometry without the...
I have add more pics as requested, but keep in mind that this is still not all of the obstacles. P.S. Thanks letting me know that I needed more....
your back! Created by BaSsRoCkEr and BLADEP13 Supported Gametypes: Custom Assault Variant Map Description This is a puzzle/jump-tactics map that...
Well in my semi-nonprofessional opinion I would give this map a 10/10 for symmetry a 9/10 for geomerging a 9/10 for creativity a 10/10 for...