I believe so ;) Never mind. I just checked the object palette and was pretty shocked to be honest. Are the only movable boxes/crates those two...
This brings back memories... Haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I'll just say this looks super fun. I don't suppose you've thought of a way...
Do you see now? People don't tend to read the fine print; they merely look at the pretty pictures. So yes, kevlar's name has been mentioned, and...
The Hollow... That was a feature not long ago wasn't it? Cool, thanks for that. That's the sort of reply I was hoping for. As for the compilation...
Could somebody please suggest some great conquest maps for me to DL; I don't mind how far back they date, as long as they are among the best. I...
One thing I would advise you to do is take any screenshots of your map in customs - that way you won't be able to see any of the annoying blue...
Wow, well one thing's for sure. The geomerging rocks! Yeah, well done on the forging, man. There are some really nice aesthetic structures here,...
I'm not sure about this. It seems to me as though you have taken a pretty darn impressive aesthetic creation, spent 15 minutes adding a few block...
Hrm, I did know of that database, but I was hoping somebody had links to a more recent collection; that thread was last edited back in February,...
Hey, does anybody know where I can find a large collection of Halo CE/2 map remakes? Preferably Sandbox variants. Thanks.
I really can't think of much else to say other than 'wow'. I'm loving the irregular flooring, and the way you exploited the Crypt's floodlights is...
Haha nice. You've got some really original, imaginative ideas here, and it looks very well forged too. The jacuzzi and pool table are fantastic!...
Yet another suhweet racetrack. To be honest, I am getting a little bored of the same kind of tracks again and again, but they are all a joy to...
Wow, this does look good. You can pretty much tell by the structure and quality of the post how well made the actual map is, and the post is very...
This looks surprisingly well forged for a map that doesn't seem to use much (if any) interlocking. I guess that just goes to show that 'advanced'...
So far this looks very, very good. You've just got to have the motivation to maintain that level of quality throughout the entire map, and not...
Thanks a lot =D
Question resolved.
As has been said, the maps were not created and then compiled into a map pack as an afterthought; rather, the H3FF Map Pack project was created,...
Oh Dee Ess Tee. Although I sure as hell would like a shorter way to say it. Maybe I'll start with 'Recon' again.