great map, great aesthetics i love the way you can go down the chimney but I love more that santa can just blow down the door in a wraith! look...
well my forge messed up so i cant buy anything so if you could help me with what ive got left then add me my GT is o D 0 O M o ( first 0 is a zero )
this looks like a great map, great interlocking and great idea.
knew it would get featured i love the geomerging on the bottom of the rib cage you must have spent so much time on them to get them all so perfect.
Well actualy i made the fusion coils tipped on purpose because it looked better odd. Plus it only takes like 1 second to get up those bridges So...
Thanks man. but it actualy was missing the link but ive put that in now :D So dont forget to download
This is my first Forge hub Map. So if i do anything wrong in my post please tell me. Its my best map yet and i hope you like it. Best for CTF,...