Whoah, be careful with all that MLG talk around here. I don't want to get this thread moved to the MLG section. And this map will never get...
Apparently the map does suck. No love around here.
FICTION "The stories of Reach sent by this satellite became tales of the galaxy" Fiction is the first design I started when Halo 3's Sandbox...
I am always down to run customs on this or any other map. Send me an FR if you'd like to get together anytime. I'm glad you guys are enjoying the...
After finally getting a chance to get back on xbl, I was able to run around on the map by myself to check it out. The layout is pretty cool and...
I'm sorry, but the community I come from...the faster paced, the better. Nobody wants to watch/play a slow paced map in the competitive world...
This is the third train station i've seen in Reach so far including SecretSnitzels "U-Bahn" and my own "Transit". One of these needs to get into...
I'll add a link to the gameroom vid since some countries can't view the youtube version when I get home. Also, thats the first time i've heard...
Any gameplay feedback? Interested to know what others think of gameplay, not just looks.
You know that is a lift right?
The map is mainly inspired by Rat Race, however it does have similarities to Orbital and Turf as well. Please gets some games on it and come back...
TRANSIT "Up the escalators and down the tracks, an exit is what this station lacks" Transit is a 4v4 asymmetrical map, themed around a...
The map is not on the MLG circuit. However it has recieved the most attention, testing and praise by MLG as of yet. It's chances are pretty good...
[IMG] YouTube- Halo 3 Forge Map COMPOUND NOTE: Video was made before the final weapon variation was decided. Sniper rifle was removed, and...
Few things.....Judges were allowed to enter maps as they were chosen as judges for there ability in Forge. Also, Judges did NOT judge there own...
Ok, we've seen the preview, now get this beast done so we can play it gosh dangit.
How did we not have playability in mind? And as for the 180 respawn on everything, that is a habit of mine to make sure I have double checked...
In light of the MLG forge forums Map Pack 2 being just over the horizon, I created a compilation video of my previous and future works in Halo 3's...
One of your closing statements is that you did well on the map against other players that have had more experience on the map. What does this have...
Sounds like your in forge. When in Forge, the custom powerup is set to spawn at start: NO. There is a glitch in Forge that some items on the first...