lol no actually i have been a little demon my whole life so yea screw you XD i ownz your soul
no i can do what i please i am bored and grounded so i have nothing better else to do so screw you
Well if i do get ban hammer i can just make another acc so yea its k and sergant sarcasm is going down
iDK but i just like getting in trouble and stuff >.< i am screwing with the admins its sooooooooooooo fun but you ***** for nothing but mean post...
sarge says hai!
sarge says "i r lub editting posts"
Go shove your fat ass meanie post up your ass all you probally do in your life is sit on your fat ass and post nothing but negative **** about...
opps as i noticed when i posted the links didnt work so heres 1 The map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details The game type...
SCATTERED Made By: ExG Zeppelin This is basically a 2 base map for one flag ctf it is suposed to be fast passed but some times things get out of...
All right then the way you play is it is 1 flag game variant and the top is were the flag spawns and you have to jump in holes that i mad...
The Overlook The Overlook is a map that is a tower with 3 floors the point is to take the flag from the top and get into the bottom it is a fast...
Ugh wast full post no pics and there is only supposed to be only like 1 map not 15 read the rules dude Seriously
Well the map is ok the layout is kinda not the best and your interlocking can use some work and also try geo merging it really can improve your...
The structure is very good and good job on keeping the map nice and neat a definet dl for me
Ugh well i have to say there are no pics so i can't really say anything about the map so maybe next time GET SOME PICS PLZ!
This map looks awsome fun good consept and fun little ramps and grave lifets 4/5
Wow ive seen this map a while back it wasnt that good and your not suposed to double post read the rules
This map is exelent i love the interlocking you put a lot of thought in this map i can tell 4/5 definete dl for me
This map looks cool i will dl right now =D the interlocking looks good for your first time to keep up the good work.
Cant really judge a map if there are no pics so maybe next time you can get some pics k