I have to learn all these tricks and start maing maps of my own. nice work. IT looks small, good for small parties it looks.
I found it, I think I like tension more than industries, maybe cause its something new, industries is a remake u know, but i do like remakes. I...
great job on industries and tension
nice remake, its very cool. I see you can get ontop of the center. I like that.
whyher great work with this map again, thanks for telling me about forgehub too, lots of cool maps here. I cant find the other map you made here?
You have a lot going on here, I like it, new to FH, these maps are a great. Looks like it took a long time. nice job.
just joined but my name is wrong, was told to go to you? it should be "floosie" not "flossie"
My name is wrong? It should be "floosie" How can i fix this?