Oh hey, you're on forgehub too? hmm, by the way, what is a guardian? I've never understood that.
This is sweet, amazing Idea. Does the "Ball" drop when you start a new round? You said you cant pick it up, yet you always have it on top of...
I know how you feel, really must've sucked when you couldn't find it.
Xyience... FAIL.
how much was the old one worth and how much is the one you currently have worth (in money) ? and how was the old one so connected to you?
wow, sucks that nobody has posted on your FHG Thing... you'll have at least one from me.
k thanks.
I saw your map METANOIA and was wondering if you would help critique and test a map. no doubt that will get featured if it plays well. I'm not...
dude, sucks that the other one was stolen but the one you have now looks pretty sweet. I have a B.C. Rich Metal Master Warlock. It was designed...
wow, nice map. this is really good and the second awesome one on the list today! I love it...5/5
okay, this is amazing. the way that this map utilizes the few things blackout has to offer, and makes it into this is very creative and must have...
Hey, do you play guitar? I saw in your photo album pictures of you playing one or possibly pretending to play one... if so, what kind do you have?...
wow, nicely made, and it actually looks like a scarab, and it works for games? wow, a longer post wouldn't hurt, but nice map!
you can fix it, you should be able to hit edit at the bottom right corner of your post. looks pretty nice although slightly sloppy, a version 2...
wow, that one looks pretty cool, the whole movable platforms concept.
nice dude, what was your f1rst featured map?
I don't think so either, I tried another one and it said you may not have an animated avatar.
this is what I want it to be: [IMG]
I uploaded one, but it's not moving :(