I think you shouldn't put double walls as the walking platform as it tends to bump characters too much and slightly depleats gameplay. But all...
Hello there, welcome to ForgeHub XD
Gamertag: Dizypher I got NO clue where I got this gamertag from. It randomly popped into my head, and I liked it :P
I think the only way is to make a new account Im afraid.
I'd forge on Foundry always till Bungie release Sandbox for us :P But honestly, you need atleast 2 people to forge in Blackout as you can make...
Wow, the sniper tunnel is so far the best bit of interlocking their :P Can't for it to be finished.
The best way is to put a Double Wall on the longer side and then you will know where the other 1/2 spawn.
I just find out what I want to create, then create/improve it while making it. But then again, it's not alot of thinking.
Favourite vehicle... It would have to be a Mongoose, fast and agile...hehe.