Thanks I had been wondering how people made things so smooth. But on my second question more often than not I do that and when I go into Monitir...
STOP!! ... Its banhammer time! GO BANHAMMER! go,go, go banhammer! lol I started leaving a random object that would be either very hard to find...
First let me say that even though I have been an FH member for awhile I'm not a very active forum poster on the site or any site for that matter....
I disagree. I'm a very practical person and I can see this being used for many things including a sort of mobile ladder, a CLOSING door, and many...
Thats very cool seen and used alot of switches in infection maps and stuff but never seen one like this before. I'll dl it later. 5/5
I like this map its very well built but how did you get the floors to sit so level on Avalanche thats something I have yet to figure out how to...
I downloaded it and thought to myself "Wow a real mass driver would probably look like this." Only thing is it would be bigger underneath because...
This is a great idea I find it hard to believe no one else has thought of making a carnival. 5/5 from me looks good and I like the ticket...
I agree with everyone who has mentioned the claustrophobia of the map. I also see an obvious similarity to the map Hide and Seek Town that is...
Thanks for posting this I have been very confused as to how people were able to get outside some of the multiplayer maps. Also for Method Three...
I never relaized I could do something like that pretty cool thing to incorperate into your map.
It looks good to me. Can someone let me know how to make a waterfall:confused: