this is for the chair splatter ok well it's on my friends file share : Halo 3 File Details and the 2 second video clip is on...
well i was playing some team snipers today and about 10 seconds in to the game i get splatterd. not by a cone or a fusion coil but a chair. Me...
This looks like a very nice map with all the interlocking, but i don't understand the ending. me and three friends did the whole map and only got...
looks very fun, great idea of the maze part, but after playing it for a while i'm guessing people memorize the way. so ill give this map a 4.8/5...
downloaded, also me and my friend were thinking of making something like this, but you beat us to it.
downloaded and im looking foward to it Edit: got the sword and the moongoose but now im stuck. cant get past that barrel.
gametype not working for me
this looks like a very good map, but once i played it i loved it, i thing that i like up at the top is that more balls spawn after a while and the...
i say this is a great photo but the only thing is the blue era the power drain makes but as with uncle borat i say this should be a real weapon...
yea i love when this happens also it usually happens with a splatter for me but i got a map from CMNeir on youtube to make this happen
hey thanks guys for all the comments i tried to get this out on Bungie but got shot down, but i still need to find a good background for my...
thanks for all the comments and rates, but yea ill try to make this another level but like with a watery background, or maybe fire for a elemental...
yea my friend told me this and i sorta got a good idea for a great picture but i don't got the time to make it, it involves all the stuff that can...
oh i made this by taking a picture of the ripples from a grave hammer, just wait for the ring to get pretty big and take a picture of it
yes that indeed the hammer makes some good pictures just like my glass workd piture i posted.
yea it works with any type of thing that can turn invisible except the active-camo it self
here is a pic that me and my friend made, [IMG]
yea i made i was messing around in a griffball match
i know most people have heard of crystal chief but i found the water chief. [IMG]
here is yet another picture that i made, i was just messing around in a griffball game. and also i got this idea from a friend. [IMG]