new puzzle map named condemned hard puzzle mostly original ideas that i have a-quired over a period of time this puzzle is not for beginners...
This map is amazing excellent merging geo-merging ect... and hall way were you can chuck a grenade under genius ....and i don't have any bad...
i can show you another way to geo- on angles just send me a msg in game
the map
you sure that sumo is in mini games rather then competitive maps ?? why if so
FINALLY A MAP ON GUARDIAN.... I KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a map that has a simple concept like in sumo wrestling- force them out of the...
Geo-Merged Wire Spools are cool but wont they create lag in the game??? w/e over all this is a good map clean merging ,smooth walk ways, Geo...
amazing map interlocking is great but it looks like you would have to play with a trust worthy group of people ,because it looks like you could...
This is a cool concept but you need a a little more cover than that + when you make a map try to make all of it yours so its more original in...
This map i mad for this (vertex) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
You go to were it says forms on the top of the page click it and a list of different things should pop up you should go to maps...
i tried looking for that but i could not find it
This is a map i made for the template contest(round 4), it supports 6 people on it with 3 different game types slayer, king of the hill, and...
this is a pretty cool map 4.9/5 your interlocking is perfect and you have cool structures 4.9 because it dose not look like you have some open areas
This is my new map called (basteel) it is a simple FFA map or KOH if you want. this supports 1-6 people on it, moastly made up of 1/2 arches to...
this map looks cool i like the 1/2 theme; somebody deserves a cookie :D
This dose not look like it could hold up to 6 people on it but every thing else is good 4.5/5
this looks unusual in a good way 4.5/5
dude, you have to put the pics in your post or else you can get an infraction or warring