Didnt it used to be LOCKDdowN?
i broke seven maps why was i takern off the list
My eyes hurt Too! Much! Pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I joined SGP Do you think I could be event staff or something since im ur friend? My profile is xCore Gamerx
I'm waiting for my sig i requested a few days ago.... idk even maybe a week
o'key day
you dont talk to me much since i changed my name.Why?:
hi thar gud sir
loy/mod omg! Haxzor!
he called me Turd Baru!
(Guess This Song! [VV] Who's it by?) Old Godzilla was hopping around, Tokyo City like a big playground. When suddenly Batman burst from the shade,...
Before I saw either of these threads I played this map via your fileshare when I tryed out for FHMB....I got in.Great map 'Toll. 'Grats on the...
Originally Posted by DecapitatedDoll [IMG] who is this......turdBaru? what an obscure person, with only 49 posts! pssh, prove yourself.
Well, seems cool enough, as I like a good Whack-A-Mole game.....just don't play it 17 hours a day > Weird al Yankovic reference from "Your...
Timing system, cool yet innovative.Never played the first map though, by time glitch 4/5
Blown up wall, i almost thought you just sloped it down the I read the post. Neat mp, bit small though 3.5/5
Why couldn't he do like 72% I just now realized that.
OMG!!!!!!!Nobody noes me!!!!!!!!!!
Kind of an intresting backstory, where does such inspiration come from? And, may I ask, where might've the name come from? Intresting ideas like...