GameVenator, what an intriging name. I'm very estatic you decided to join; GameVenator. While I'm not one to turn to if you have any questions, I...
It seems as though you've run a bit of bad luck lately. The only thing I can suggest is getting one of your friends to help you. It's very hard to...
The best solution would be to split up until you are at the appropriate age where you think you can handle sharing your life with a beloved. Not...
Mad Skill: A move pulled by a person on purpose that results in a great ending to benefit himself/herself. Accidental Mad Skill: A move pulled...
I guess he really didn't have good parents, or local friends to talk to.
I may have joined a month ago, but that doesn't mean I wasn't ever here a long time ago. The only thing that has changed is the member number,...
My friend, none of it has ever left. Instead, we have all of this added to it.
You mean "so 'many' proxy accounts?" My question is why you would care if a single man makes multiple accounts, if he has not done any "raunchy"...
Bungie's ranking system works as planned. It's not problematic, and no one is taking it away from you. What happened was you reached a Heroic...
No, but I'm curious, what makes you think so?
Whoa, what a page you got here. I would say Happy Birthday, but it looks like all of these posts would suffice. Good day to you sir.
Alright, thanks. I'll be sure to do so.
The heck? Then the internet is a waste of time, and you're on the internet. Therefore, you're wasting you time. If you know that, then you know...
Wait, I thought women were the only ones who could be right all the time. Is Obama a puppet for his wife?
I believe a very intelligent and depressed man once said; "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Truth, we can't compare what some people would...