I ran out of filehshare room but I might do something about that later.
I don't understand. Please explain to me how "religious nuts" is referring to only extremists. "religious nuts" sounds pretty widespread to me....
yeah, i forget why i joined. i think i signed up before but forgot my login or something.
Religious NUTS? I understand you disliking religion because of what some people make it to be, but there is absolutely NO excuse for being that...
If you've never heard of Christ than you go to Heaven. God is a just judge, and sends people to Hell justly.
My opinion on creation vs evolution. It just doesn't matter. As a Christian myself, the bottom line is salvation. It's good to talk about this...
From what I understand, you are saved by faith in Jesus Christ. If you do not believe that Jesus Christ is truly the Christ and Son Of God, you...
Hey, thanks for linking my video. If you guys are interested, I made 2 more episodes. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4_WxdbOy7o...