i like how you made a remake of unreal tournament map. That was my fave map of all time, but i'm waiting for people to remake the plant the bomb...
lol, hiya =D
You would have to redesign the map a little for better lines of sight and cover/structuring of it to give it good gameplay. In it's current state...
Welcome to Forgehub! Your pics are not working and must be embedded. Please refer to this link to guide you on how to embed screenshots:...
Well, infraction is basically warnings, or strikes is another term, a certain number of o=infractions get you a certain level of warnings,...
First things first; you need to change this thread. please refer to this thread as a guide to posting your maps:...
Welcome to Forgehub. But first things first; you need to change this thread. please refer to this thread as a guide to posting your maps:...
Actually, to get featured it needs to be an impeccable map. Using criticism like saying it's ok or not good is utter tripe. If it was ok or...
Very nice way to implement a button but maybe there are more effective methods? A good addition to the draw bridge, and nice small bridge. I...
Welcome to Forgehub. That's quite a spectacular map you have their, however, the weapon set has not been planned out very well. Effective use of...
Very impressive, you have proved your worthiness and talent in forging. but my i perhaps refer you to a thread about thread templates:...
Your pics are not working and must be embedded. Please refer to this link to guide you on how to embed screenshots:...
Woah, almost as scary as Barbie!
very nice to look at, but it's too open and bland, not enough cover and the lines of sight aren't terrific. Needs more weapons and something...
Very simple and slightly different from the other duck hunt maps, but only because of the bridges that protrude towards the sniper tower, when...
lol, i know. I'm trying to 1. Sort of moderate the posts and try and keep forgehub clean of spam and 2. Be involved with the community. (and...
Slightly improper use of words (crap (that was an example)). Sorry just warning you or you might get an infraction, and we don't want Forgehub to...
There are certain rules to posting comments... let's call them criteria. And you my friend have filled the requirements with flying colours! Oh,...
wait for it.... wait for it.... Barbie from Horse Pals!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that ain't evil then i don't know what is! it gives you nightmares for like...
But a team/person has more time to run away/destroy the banshee if it is facing away from them.