Excellant idea, great execution. a winner, all arround.
I agree with Okage: Single Player was how it started, and how it still is for some of us. I think that both still have a place in modern games....
Are you sure I wasn't in that game, cause I thought my uber-suck-itude was the only way for that to happen..... anyway, quite a unique image,...
Reproduction of any kind is unsanitary. Think about it, your putting your skin INSIDE the place where the bodies waste collects and is expelled...
I think they make too much money. when one man can load crates on trucks and need welfare to feed his family (Here's looking at you, Walmart), and...
this is exactly what I mean. why is a response like Zanders the cultural norm, but saying "Are you saying you like to **** other men?" is...
While I agree that McCain is apparently out of touch, Obama is also rather off, too. He makes these grand promises, with no concrete way to...
when a man reveals that he prefers other men to the company of a woman, he is told that it is a natural part of life, but when a man reveals he...
I agree with you 100%. I was reading this well-written, but deeply unerving article on another forum. It was talking about how the poster...
No, I don't think its good, most times. Using someone elses property, in a way detrimental to the property, or that forces them to expel effort...
thank you
OK, here's my question: How do you set up a bridge to be perfectly flat, but with no reference point (How do you create a floating platform that...
Reynolds: That Psychic told me to beware "the evil eye", but did I listen? Nooo... Pretty funny picture, perfect timing and aim.
It's pretty good, but the size differential (the skull is too big for the rest of the body) & the skulls shadow mar its perfection.. still,...
except, he's not actually touching the hornet....
I am in awe of this.
I don't like the blurry/bouncy/whatever effect, it's just kinda nauseating, IMHO.
Sheila: "Turn Right-side Up in 2.1 Kilometers." Here's my submission: [IMG]
It still Works...
Where'd all the Red guys go? [IMG] Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details