I'd like to see an experienced forger make a map in sky bubble with floating islands, only accessible by man cannons. just floating...
Looks good to me, my only suggestion is that you put a bit more cover here and there. A half dozen broken pillars should do it
i don't really care if some 12 year old is gunna come on here and tell me that my map is bad. You have absolutely no useful suggestions or ideas,...
The thing is that i'm afraid the map will become too crouded, and there wont be much places to move around, which will be frustrating given the...
Alright i edited it guys. moar hiding spots now
Just clearing up here, there are more hiding places on the map than i showed in the pics
Hmm.. i see what you mean. Ill look into it. The thing is zombies will be dropping in to the middle from 200 feet above, so the middle wont...
Update#1 Extended most of the bases, and added a bit more cover in the middle Update# 2 Added considerably more cover in the middle of the map,...
What do you mean? How?
Any one else?
something tells me you didn't play the gametype i posted
I was thinking of this too, but realisticly, i dont think theres a way
i was just about to come and update this thread telling you guys that i did just that, and then i saw this post. Weirdd :]
Abandoned Mine Abandoned Mine is an Infection map, it works best with 5-12 people. The map is shaped like a pentagon, with several tunnels...
I was about to post my first map, but then i read the terms of use or whatever its called, and it said i need to embed my screenshots of the map i...