Pretty cool man, but 28 days later has been done before. I have a variant of it already lol. (I think your's is better though)
There was a Halo 3 Beta
Well I just posted a lengthy post on a idea but it didnt post =( But ill do it again. Just summarize it. I think it would be cool if you had...
Well being the total Cod:WaW nerd I am I'm gonna post my two cent's. I have made a small, "Squad" Of people. Our highest so far has been level 21....
Wow man, That was a CRAZY good idea. A Custom Power up high in a cabinet above you hard to get to. You have to work together to somehow open the...
Hay It would be cool if you could add all (or most) of the Perk's. I know I (and my friends) can never remember our Perk's. Plus my brother’s on...
So, Possibly a MIST Version 2?
Thanks, Had a feeling I was going to get flamed. But In the pharmacy I was thinking of something like. Making it bigger would be insane because...
Ok, The one of the only thing's I think It could do without though would be the fusion coil's leading to the door. It seam’s that Zombie Spawn,...
You’re my new God. I can't believe how awesome this map is, My favorite map used to be a Map I MADE myself. But you stole #1
I tried to, I'm not allowed to post in there for some reason.
Hello, A. I'm new here and Hi! I have a few question's. A. How do you sink Object's into the ground? I've read many, many, many thread's on it and...
Can you send the link to his profile then dude? Please?
Hey man i LOVE TownShip. Ever think of making any remake's of it?!
It look's ok but only one moongose in the garage. I spend all my time driving and with only a mongoose i have to boo you know... BOO!!!!!
Gamertag: Raynehollow Times you can get on: I’m on every day, i have no life!! Mic yes/no?: Yes About me: I wear all scout armor in blue and white...