Vidmaster: Classic took me 5 mins...
I CAN haz recon armorz.
And that's exactly the reason i made this map; i was thinking exactly that. The walkway for the fish is meant to look that way, but i suppose some...
That's pretty cool. :)
[IMG] [IMG] Map Creator: GremIins Map Description Shore Platforms is a mini game map that resembles the Duck Hunt games. This there are the...
I am definately DL'ing this. I loved this map on Conker! And it looks really great on Halo3. I'm so glad to see this made :) 10/10!
Everything about your map seems just fine, except the fact that it might be a little too small (i think it should be just a bit bigger, but idk)....
That sounds like it'd work pretty well. I'm not the greatest forger ever, but i know the basics and all that lot. Ill try to help you my best :)
No, i have not downloaded it yet, because i haven't got the chance to yet, been busy. If i get the chance to tomorrow, ill try it out. And of...
It's a very nice idea, especially as your first map, i congratulate you on that :) Looks like you did put some effort into this and i think that...
What you would do is get out of your vehicle and hijack them. Anyways, since it's near the end of the round, i think it's acceptable because it...
@ everyone: Yes, i know this is like the 5,000,000th monster truck map, but i've always wanted to make one, so i did :) There is a bit of...
Skyrena Download Skyrena Download Monster Trucks Gametype Description: Skyrena is an arena in the sky for my monster trucks gametype. The map...
I do have to say that the aesthetics look very great And like RaBBiiTTT said, the design looks complex. The structures look very nice and well...
I must say that this map is really amazing! Congrats on the feature Cosmic. The geomerging looks fantastic and so does the whole layout....
I really like this :D Great design, geomerging, interlocking, and all! It really looks like it'd be tons of fun. I don't see anything i don't like...
Thanks. And i think i read that part of your post right, but the gold lift teleports you to the tree area. Not sure exactly what you're talking...
Your link to your youtube vid doesnt seem to be working. But from your screenshots, it looks like it could be fun. I don't see any interlocking,...
Really nice idea. I don't think i've really seen anything like it. Nice design and concept. I think it'd be really fun to play, so i'll give this...
I really like the whole concept of your map. You might want to take some screenshots of that zombie base tower. Other than that, i really think...