Also trying to get it - add me plz
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) only gives you so much bandwidth... soz if you haz someone on a bandwidth-intensive service (like someone...
Yeah, just get a ghost for the whole thing, ride over rocks and pass up the hardest part. Here's a couple videos showing you how to do it....
Clearly just buy another xbox and make a 1-month account, then just throw it out when it gets banned
I think your history of Halo Racing is a little off, it actually started with Halo 2 on the outside of Containment. Modders would either build...
can't get past the first part, 2 teleporters kill you, 1 traps you, only 2 things to jump on if you go right, how is this possible or fun?
looks cool, gj
I made most of this map a while ago and recently edited it to make it better. I haven't been on forgehub in a while... that being said, I don't...
No sense of humor, really? Has someone already said this? Trying to be original here... I thought you people liked originality. I'm not being...
Playing 3 ball. Accidentally let a teammate die. Killed his killer. Took the ball. Killed a guy with it. Went away. Came back to where teammate...
The sample clip has finally been grabbed by gamevee. Check it out. Look for the double. Pretty awesome eh? Now imagine splattering 15 people in a...
actually, nvm, I'm just going to make v2 myself. I want it to be perfect and I want to take all the credit for making it, but thanks for offering...
I might not be on this weekend, next weekend might be better, but yeah, you probably are thinking the same thing I'm thinking for the map idea, so...
Yes, it lands you right next to the ghost :) If you're not in the ghost in 10 secs, you die and the next round starts, this makes it better than...
Christ, holy man!!!! 300 views in 12 hours, wtf lol, I knew it would be popular, but not this popular lol Hmm... To address all the comments......
You think you know hide and seek? Think again! The best Halo 3 hide and seek type map ever made! The cool thing is that I wasn't even planning on...
Woo hoo! It's back up!!! Yay!!! Edit: Nvm, my friend still can't get on, said 24 people were online, then crashed, can't...
yah, it's gotta be down... Edit: 11,758
You misunderstand me, it's not why it happened, it's how it happened, it was not planned at all. I wasn't trying to get it to spin around me....
Live just crashed did it not? My friend somehow is still online on halo and he said the number of people online went from its usual above 200,000...