If a rocket hits right next to you and you go flying through the air, you don't want to sit there in an upside down hog for the next rocket to...
Mmm, you must be a really good photographer. The map is sloppy in some areas, especially the wall made to surround it, and is escapable simply by...
Dude, the interloxx are epic. The map's layout in general looks amazing. Enigma inspired me to do a back-of-Foundry map, I thank you for that. It...
In India and that general area, there are small furry mammals. These small furry mammals are Mongeels. They are lightning fast carnivores, cute...
Hi, I know that here at ForgeHub most of the people don't blow ass. Now, should I request a decent team on the Bungie forums, I'd have like, 6,000...
It is mongooses. It's not Mon-goose; therefore, it's not mongeese in the plural form. I'd rather say Mongeels, but hey, what the hell.
That's sexy.
2/5 merjing looks slopee. No. This actually looks like one of the few maps that flows and looks hawt at the same time. I have been tempted to...
Omgz, nice intarloxx. You're gonna have to show me how to do that switch. It's hot. I'll dl now and play through it. ______________...
Well, so I was playing some Halo today. And I didn't notice anything special. I find that interesting, with all of that "Lower the Guns, save the...
Looks interesting. Some of the 'locking looks sloppy, IDK if it's supposed to look kindof organic, but hey, it's cool. One thing though: I'd like...
I hope it's completely forgeable. I think it'd be cool to have different palletes; e.g. Foundry walls, Traxus boxes, barriers (Avalanche/CS kind),...
'Tis beautiful. Really. Less interlokking next time :) I like how you paid attention to detail. I like when people do that. 5/5, I'ma...
It's worse. It is ugly, has a bad layout, and impossible to get on top of if you're at the bottom.
ORLY? We sure hope it has even floors, no annoying cranes, and no strange discolorations. I hope Bungie doesn't screw this up.
Or maybe, just maybe, good Christians will achieve Nirvana.
A person's brain is not fully developed until the age of about twenty; thus, a child of 6 is only about a third of the way through mental...
What canvas did you use to create Collision?
Updated to v2.
Zomg, epic. epic. So damn epic I want to throw Cheerios at people. 5/5. It looks amazing, the layout looks incredibly win. I have reccomended this...