your pictures arent working for me
blaze i have to say u are probably one of if not the best forger on forgehub, everyone of ur maps is clean and perfect but they always have...
may want to enlarge them thar pics dude
this would go great with a symmetrical assault game. you could use the mechanism to keep the opposing team from taking the easiest route to you...
it looks really good i dont think it really needs interlocking everything looks clean and thought out, but it looks a little cramped judging from...
it would look a lot better if you had polished the geomerging and the interlocking before posting it especially with the bridges they are...
wow really nice job map looks really clean it reminds me of beaver creek from halo 2 is that where you got your inspiration for this map?
looks pretty good keep forging
i like the idea and the tower looks really cool but i think you should close it off with double boxes
my only concern is the streets look so empty, you could put some fork lifts and some truck or some other kind of scenary, i really like the map...
um i know that the storyline says its a base in the middle of nowhere but i just feel its too empty it kinda looks like gameplay would get repetetive
umm not digging the arena maps man, come up with something a bit more original o and i agree with jj3672 go look ups some tips at forging 101
i think the layout for this map is awesome it just looks creative and well done im deffinatley dling
plz embed your pictures they are extremely hard to see
this looks really fun, but aesthetically its a little sloppy. i noticed some of the walls werent straight so you may get more dls if you fix it up...
wow tis looks almost exactly like grifball
how do the fusion coils blow up?
its supposed to look jumbled people i think it looks fun ill dl
i really dont think it needs much if any interlocking i like it ill definatley dl :)
i can tell you are new to forging so check out forging 101 for tips