Exactly you proved my piont halo 3 ment to have fun not sell games like serously its just a game!
Wow its a video game.
Its not really making me mad its just proving how immature he is.
I guess???
Ya I wish I had of worded it more politely maybe I should of said "Are Elite Players Mostley Little Kids" so im sorry for being a jerk I didnt...
Ok my rep is way better than yours because if you havent read your rep it says you need a life and I think thats 100% TRUE. Dont get to proud of...
You type of people make me laugh
You make sense I play as a Spartan and im good a Halo 3
Do you really waste your time caring about proper grammer lol maybe I just dont care what I am typing hahahaha you make me laugh please do...
True, but mostly when I play with elites there all little kids!
Ok people, im pretty sure you guys notice that when you play matchmaking or any other type of game that the elites always dies first or there just...
Lol and its also cool when your arm dislocates....its just wierd how he fixes his arm.
Far Cry 2, because I was a big fan of this game and the second one looks really sick and has good graphics and did I mention awsome MAP EDITOR!
Ya Fable 2 does kick @ss and I thought I definatley was gonna buy it but after I found out about Far Cry 2 and its map editor I said "Im buying...
I feel you.
Well I just cant wait for this game I will play it 24/7 making maps and destroying things!
... Well thats your opinion....and some of its true but they had 2 years and that 2 years went well look at what beauty they made its just to...
... Nice job