If you mean in a Forged map, putting and object on Symmetrical means that it will spawn in games when both teams have the same objective (2 Flag...
Just like when I saw a certain sad screenshot, DAMN IT, why did I have to be listening to a sad song when I read this? I wish you luck and I hope...
I just HAD to be listening to a sad song when I saw this, huh? That's pretty cool. The two Spartans should have had different armor, though. You...
Holy. Crapping. Crap. This is one of the best maps I've ever seen. I almost shat myself just from looking at those pictures. Very nice floor...
Those are really good. Those designs are very detailed. Good job.
I already knew this trick. However, it's hard to get things to line up on Avalanche when making something like a floating ship. Any tips? Thanks!
Welcome to Forge Hub. Read the rules, follow them, be nice, post some maps, and you'll be fine. Enjoy your stay.
I just downloaded it. It seems to work pretty well so far. It just has a hugely different feel to it than Firefox. I'll just have to get used to...
I think I just creamed my pants. This is by far one of the best ships I've ever seen. I can't wait to play this with a group of friends. One...
Trust me. There is.
That is very nicely constructed. However, ship maps to me are rather pointless and boring if you do not make them hollow. I would crap myself (in...
Really nice. I like the newer version much better. In the old version, I could never get to the power-up without being sent upward by the gravity...
Seems rather small, but still looks cool. You have my download.
Sorry, it's really not my kind of story. *sends link to this thread to Lukems*
Wow... just... wow... It's people like this that give rapists an even more bad name than they already have...
Looks rather plain to me, yet it would still be fun to drive around on. 4/5.
I'm not usually in to mini-game maps, but this definitely deserves a 5/5. I'd definitely like to see what you have planned for v2. Good work.
That's a really great remake. It looks just like one on SandTrap. Good work, but it doesn't seem that this would play very well for some reason....
Thank you, DimmestBread, for not being immature and at least trying to get him to restrain himself. It's people like you that set a good example...
Look, I don't want this thread to turn into a flame war, but you asked for it. Look, I'm sorry my personal opinions are not in favor of your map...