This is my favorite game right now. I play this as much as my friends will stand, because its all i want to play. The rocket race double exp this...
You video makes me nauseous. The camera work is way too fast and chaotic. Its like you gave the controls to a 5 year old on crack.
Basically you cant call it an MLG map if it doesn't follow the MLG guidelines. Read the rules and adjust your weapon list accordingly, otherwise...
HA! I remember that too, Tara. However, i also seem to remember, shortly thereafter I stole said flag once again, and smacked you in the face with...
Nice layout, i know what you mean about sandbox eating objects, i have several maps that have objects that fell into the floor and then i saved it...
I just saw "Lotus" in the list of maps to be included on the bungie day playlist. If it is true thats sweet, i will have an advantage all the...
This map is so much fun to play on. I was constantly looking at my radar for people jumping down on my head. The pictures you have dont really do...
whats the name of the font you used to write the name haven on the top picture?
One of my favs on this level of sandbox so far. One gripe (and its very minor) the elevated pathways would look better to me if they had at least...
Good luck with the ATLAS submission. I noticed on your bungie page for the map someone tagged it with "Shishka is bad". What is up with that?
So i give a little constructive criticism and everyone goes nuts? I have downloaded and played this map several times. I seems like everytime i...
Nice map, good luck with your ATLAS submission. I agree with CyraxZ, this map would be sweet for swat.
I like this map! It plays great, i love the jumps off the wall, feels like prince of persia or something.
Nice map, i would remove the ghost all together. And personally i dont like the fence boxes as a wall. Looks sloppy where you can see the items...
I like this map a lot, but it feels like it could use a little more work. The weapon list is a little heavy handed on power weapons, with it being...
the map is ok, a little messy though. pretty fun but nothing new. I like your action pics in this post, eye popping stuff.
Sure... i can help you make a video for this post, or a future post if you would like. Your maps are very good, they need more exposure!
This map is quickly becoming one of my Favs, got anything new in the works?
Very nice! I really like the geometry of the center base, looks great! I like how the passages between the raised areas are wider than most maps...
Looks ok, you might want to take pics from a game insted of forge, the spawn points kinda ruin a shot