i really think this map is bland. i mean it looks like you put a little work into it but its nothing extream. i mean you could do so much with the...
i love it! the whole "forgot to pay the gravity bill" is a great idea. the forging is well thought out and i belive this would be a great addition...
dude kick ass! this map looks like a can of pure awsomeness! but the post could use a few more pics and a better description.
wow this is a kick ass map! kind of resembles a bunch of towering building like in the map metropolis but i think this is a much better variant of...
^^ lol
first you need 2 leard how 2 embed. secont this looks like a map that would piss allot of people off. no offense but people want to blow **** up...
im sorry but i think the maps game play is questionable the story isint all the great either due to plot holes. also some more screen shots would...
looks a bit too open, but i might be wrong. the construction is a bit sloppy as well. gameplay seems fun but there would be uber cammping and...
i <3 ur avatar
lol, u phail at sketching. the map looks very good and the story goes well with it. the construction seems to be smooth as well as interlocked and...
lol that was a great story, loved the way you mad the map into a complicated web of ideas! im shure that this will make a great addition to...
=O this is awsome it looks like a real halo 3 church(i guess) very creative and this would give it a very good mood for infection! 5/5
lolz. its great to see that some one is also making infection maps. any way the neighborhood map looks very well constructed however it dosent...
... i think i can come up with something ^^ this was a great idea red! i will download and prpbobly post later this month
ok for **** sake no more posts about Modded material or fussing about the modded material i placed on my map flamable i know that is wasnt right...
thank you for stoping that conflict that had occured on my post ...its good 2 see another reaper around here.
shure that sounds great
look why dont you all make a post in the discussion section of the page and settle your dispute there.
sry but i cant help you
For the last time the gametype Flamethrowers is the only modded content. i did not make it. i am not a modder nor do i know any modders. i simply...