Th alpha zombie should have a gravity hammer and a sword. there should be 2 alpha's. If the two alphas can work together its a lot easier taking...
I just want to inform everyone, the 2nd door that opens, sometimes glitches, so if you do DL go into forge and make sure the damaged columns are...
Why does it need to be embed? what do you need a link to photobucket? just look at the screenshot like it DL hate it comment, plain as that!
Sweet map dude, very well put together. perfect merging and all. created an aliens gametype, and it was wasome! 5/5
(\__/) Wow such a unique map! I don't know what to say! (O_O) (> <) "I think i woke up in forge heaven."
This is a very nice map, and very fun, i DL and played yesterday with a couple of my freinds. They all loved it. the map is clean very well put...
O.k. for one, i don't care what my map get's as a rating, for two i was not crying about my map having a low rating. for three, i did not say...
Actually i have thim with normal health. it is thrilling, because their is always a zombie trying to sneak up behind you. most times you will find...
Oh, graet one! Please teach me to geomerge like that. This is my top map. everyone who play's it love's it. how did you geomerge all that into the...
Thanks for the comments. I really just threw the gametype together. if you want you can change the time limit. my freinds wanted me to keep the...
-F I N A L D A Y- Download Map: Final Day Download Gametype: Final Life Author's: H4BR1D 50LD13R Gametype(s): INFECTION Player's: 10-16 Story: All...
k, this is not the entire map. i shall include the rest. I am a big fan of infection, but can anyone tell me how to make a great balanced map for...
Please let me know if there's any thing else i need to do. to see more pics go to my site. a link is included!
I have the entire map and pic's on my site. please click on the link below to view. I know it was against the rules, but it was much simpler this...
It shocks me, with the things you guys can create. Bungie givs you guys a couple things two use, then you guys transform it into "Art", with...
Can anyone give me an idea for a foundry map. I have a couple good maps, my freinds say, but i don,t know what i can do. So please Forge hub...