The mancannons had been removed under the mongooses, due to grenades that could fly off them. I took the Pictures then made some last minute edits...
you know, your really the fist to notice. My little brother had spelled it wrong on his spelling test, and i thought it was a quincidence that I...
I guess so. I somewhat wanted them to be close to the snipers so they wouldn't be overpowering. I will probably move them in a V2 Thank you. I...
The tin cups interlocked with the stone structure shouldn't be a problem at all. I simply added them as a visual appeal. The mongooses, atleast...
well, i would agree that the blue may not seem as important as red. This is because i ran out of objects to use to build it. I am intending to...
Division 4-12 Players Team Gametypes First, I would like to say that I think this is my best map so far. Division is a map focused on long...
PILLARS [IMG] Hello. It's been quite some time I have posted a map, as this is my second map here on Forgehub. My map,Pillars, should have...
the map looks k, but i think that no one would be able to get to the side because of the turret. also, the fusion coils may be a problem....but i...
Looks very cool, nice interlocking, i hope the shotties dont hav that many clips : P But anyway, i would move the stairs out a little more so you...
lol this map would be so much fun. I like the fact that suicides get you points, and kills lose points. I will definitly anger sum friends with...
Looks like the first map i ever mad when i first got halo : ) I suggest u go c Forging 101 on interlocking and Geo-Merging to make the map easier...
its ok, i just wanted to post a map on forgehub to make sure i wanted to do things right. my new map ( i hope it is a lot neater and more creative...
Nice map, but idk about the shotgun...replace it with mauler or have 0 clips cause its a small map, i just don't like the shotgun on maps like...
thx everyone, i will definitly ask questions and stuff, but i would like to say i have always enjoyed forgeing and i don't think im that big of a...
well, im pretty sure i put the same weps on boths sides....although on the fencebox side it may look like the weps are close together. the...
First off, my GT is MongooseMan355. I messed up my first FH account and had 2 make a second ya...This map is basicly a big curve, kinda...
hey, im very new to forgehub and i really want to post my map soon, im a little slow, so stay with me. do you just copy the code for how many ever...