Same as every one else says, though i wouldnt add too many weapons from what other people are saying. And if you could mange to get some sort of...
Looks cool! Good job on the map even though one cannot tell how it will play from pics. In one of your pictures though the wall from keeping you...
Yeah the moose guy has a good point about respawing in the open box. Also how does the weapon part of the game work. Do you spawn with it or...
The link to your map is not working for me. Hopefully it is just me and not a mistake on your part.
Free agent Deft1572 (gt) Free agent And free time...
like everyone else said... No one is going to sift though your file share and blindly download maps.
Kool. Anyone can mke a zombie map but nice inclusion of structures that actually make sense.
i hope that there is a back up spawn area to pervent spawn camping for example i take power weapons from the hill and go into the other teams...
not a bad map for just messing around but most maps have only 3 at most power weapons for that size of map, but good job making a map and the...
Seems like you put quite a bit of time into making this map and this post so props to you for that!
No me gusta MLG, but I can appreciate a good map making skills when I see them.
Looks impressive eventhough I do not enjoy racetracks and like the guys above me said
I haven't played it so I am not going to pretend to be all knowing, but why would battle rifles be a sought after weapon on a really small map....
Seems quite silly. I will give it a spin.
Yeah i am new and i think thats pretty lazy...
So do the humans spawn in the maze and they have to reach the base or do they just spawn at the base?
Looks like a fun 2v2 to 4v4(not sure about the 4v4). I will download for sure.
Sorry you had little "^^" in your post so I thought that you were referring to me. Edit:spelling
Me? No idea most of the time i would just run in with my assult rifle and die. It was just a goof off game...
I have played on it and we had a amazing game with 5 other people!